Welcome to the Sprakers Reformed Church!

The Sprakers Reformed Church practices abundant hospitality toward all people,
including the most vulnerable among us. Our inclusive congregations open their doors to all,
to spread the love of Jesus in word and deed.

We acknowledge that we are all beloved children of God and are reminded through worship, service, and prayer that we are created in God’s image, redeemed through Christ, and sustained and renewed by the Holy Spirit. We seek to live in community and covenant with all of God’s creation.

Join Us

Join our mission, as we share God’s love
with our Community

Sunday Service

1st & 3rd Sundays
Of Every Month
– 9:00 a.m.

Saturday Service

2nd and 4th Saturday
Of Every Month
– 6:00 p.m.
* Fellowship meal included on Saturdays


We live-stream our Sunday sermons on Facebook and upload them to our YouTube channel,
so viewers just like you can watch right from the comfort of your own home!

Who We are

Mission has always been dear to our hearts. In 2008 we sent a mission team from our congregation to Haiti to serve at a rescue mission, Waves of Mercy, in Port-de-Paix for a week. It proved to be a life changing experience for all involved. The following year we sent a member to Honduras for five months to teach. We have been instrumental in supporting local missions neighboring churches–cooking for Manna House Meals and supporting the Comfort Zone. In 2009 we began focusing on local mission and started our Second Saturday free community meal. Every second Saturday of the month we provide a free community meal with fellowship opportunities. People continued to want to donate to this cause which led to our Second Saturday Mission project. All money donated in our little green can is doubled from our mission fund and then sent to one of the many charities we support. The little green can has generated over $20,000 since its beginning.

Our History


The first Protestant Dutch Reformed Church in Sprakers was founded in 1772, with only a meeting house as a place of worship. On October 29, 1796, the church was organized under the direction of pastor Rev. Abraham Van Horne, who installed these officers: Elders Andrew Michel, Daniel Cornue and Rynier Van Evera, and Deacons William Bellinger, Jacob Ehle, and Joseph Van Ingen. In 1806 Andrew Mitchell gave land for the building of the new church which was completed a year later.

For many years the Sprakers church was served by supply pastors, using the meeting house as a place of worship. In 1858, with the help of Rev. Benjamin Romaine of Canajoharie, plans were made for the reorganization of the church.

The Reformed Dutch Church of Sprakers, with thirteen members, was built on land given by George Spraker, With Rev. E. Vine Wales as pastor. By 18639 the church was flourishing with thirty-eight members. In 1876 a series of revival meetings was held, resulting in the addition of twenty-one new members.

The West Shore Railroad bought the land on which the church stood in 1882, and it was relocated to its’ present site.

The white siding on the church was chosen to denote purity, and our green doors, which extend a welcome to all who would seek Jesus, are a symbol of everlasting life.

In 2011 it became necessary to replace our steeple. The weight of the large bronze bell was too much for the aging timbers. However we wanted to preserve our bell and continue to use it. Our bell tower houses the bell made in 1897, and we still ring it for special services.