Jr./Sr. High YOUTH Drop In

Our space is open on WEDNESDAYS from 3PM-6PM for area Jr./Sr. age children. Our coordinator Lucas Grove along with other adult volunteers oversee’s games, conversation, and activities in our basement space called “Chilton Hall” (after a beloved pastor from many years ago). You are able to enter the space through our front church door (165 Canal Street), and then go down the stairs to your left.

Pastor Ryan and several adult volunteers, on a rotating basis, provide the ingredients for a meal, which the youth are encouraged to help us prepare. Around 5pm, we all gather for a family style meal in the Fellowship Hall on our main floor.

The rules are simple: RESPECT! Respect yourself, each other, the space.

All of our chaparones are either church members or local teachers. If you would like further information, or want to ‘drop-in’ please call 518-993-4302, or come by on a Wednesday afternoon at 3pm.