Our Bike path outreach
We saw an opportunity in our own backyard to practice hospitality to strangers. The Erie Canal Bike Trail passes right by our church.
We offer water, snacks, bathroom facilities, and emergency shelter for those caught in a storm. The bike path is open 24/7, March through November and is stocked and sanitized by volunteers from the church.
Open Hours
The bike path is open 24/7
March through November
Make the difference with us
Donations are matched by
our mission Fund and sent to some
of the charities we support.
How it Began
In 2019, we started taking a good look at how we might serve those in our
surrounding communities while bringing awareness to our little white church.
Our proximity to the bike path led us to explore a hospitality respite stop for
travelers on the Erie Canal Trail.
We started by leaving a cooler at a rest stop on the path which provided cold
water to bikers. It became such a popular stop for travelers that we took a
giant leap of faith and decided to leave our church doors open, providing a
place for weary bikers to rest, use the bathroom facilities and take shelter
from storms. Eventually, we started leaving snacks as well. Volunteers from
our church keep the supplies stocked and facilities cleaned.
The response has been overwhelming. Over the years, we have received
countless messages of thanks from the bikers using our facilities. We’ve had
hundreds and hundreds of visitors from all over the country and even as far
away as Europe, New Zealand, The Congo and Argentina! Many have even left
donations in order to assist in supporting our other missions!
God has richly blessed our church through this ministry!