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Take Cover!

Well, it is complete! The long anticipated roof on the Sprakers Reformed Church is ON! So, feel free to “take cover” at the church’s hospitality space just off the NYS Bike Path. You can also join the good folks at Sprakers on the Second Saturday of each month at 6:00 pm for a time of worship and fellowship. It’s not your ‘normal’ worship setting…but includes all the good things of worship: gathering, praising God, prayer, scripture/story, food, and time for fun and fabulous prizes. You can also worship with this community on the First and Third Sunday’s of the month at 9:00 am and on the Fourth Saturday at 6:00 pm.

So, ‘take cover’ for your physical self and your spiritual self at Sprakers. The new roof could well be a metaphor for the ministry at the Sprakers Reformed Church….there was a dire need (the roof was in need of replacing); the congregation prayed and asked for direction (which they do really well); and God provided (no silly, God did not get on the roof and replace the shingles) by sending so VERY MANY people to help. Some kept praying, others sent money, some bought lasagna dinners, or cool rummage sale stuff; some actually got on the roof and made the repairs! Everyone in their own way helped ‘raise the roof’ so that we can all ‘take cover’ from whatever we need to be shaded from. Thank you seems to simple, and yet it is with a grateful heart that we offer this space to you and invite you to come be part of our ministry….all under one roof!!